Sated in Ink Read online

Page 13

  “It can mean anything you want it to mean,” Lincoln said, slowly cupping her breasts. He gently plucked her nipples, squeezing, caressing. She arched her back, wanting more.

  He grinned at her, giving his attention to her chest even as he gazed into her eyes.

  Ethan slowly slid his hands down her belly and over her mound, cupping her heat and making her gasp.

  Then he used his other arm to slide around and run the back of his hand down Lincoln’s jean-clad dick.

  They both gasped, and she leaned back into Ethan’s caress, rubbing her butt against his erection.

  All three of them groaned, and she just smiled, loving the feelings bursting inside of her. Seriously, how could this honestly be real?

  “What have you done before?” Lincoln asked. She tried to focus on exactly what he was asking, her brain cells slowly fading away with each caress, with each touch from the men.

  “I’ve never been with two men. I’ve never done that.” Lincoln raised a brow at her, and she swallowed hard. “Anal. I…I’ve never done that either. I don’t know if I’ll ever be ready for that.”

  The guys chuckled before giving her a kiss—first Lincoln, and then she tilted her head so Ethan could kiss her, as well.

  “No pressure at all. We can do a lot of things without doing that.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “I’m very sure. There are lots of places to touch, to lick. And I have this guy, too,” Lincoln said, reaching around to cup the back of Ethan’s neck before kissing him hard over her head. She shivered between them, her hands around Lincoln’s back, digging her nails into his flesh.

  “I get to watch,” she whispered.

  “Oh, I have a feeling you’re going to be doing more than watching. I think you’ll be underneath,” Ethan said, winking.

  “However, it’s still my turn,” Lincoln said, and Ethan snorted.

  Her brows rose. “You guys, uh…take turns?”

  “Apparently.” Lincoln growled, but there was heat in his eyes.

  “Just so I can picture it correctly,” she said, closing her eyes and smiling for just a moment before raising her lids so she could look between them. “Lincoln, you’ve taken Ethan before. That means he gets to take you?”

  “Yes, so it seems. That means I get to be inside you when he does, though,” Lincoln said, kissing her hard. And then she was lost.

  She could barely catch her breath, hardly focus with his mouth on hers, Ethan’s hands on her body. He slowly slid his fingers between her folds so they danced along her clit and against her core.

  She arched, wanting him to go deeper and not just play, and then Lincoln’s mouth was on her breast, and she was shivering, needing, wanting.

  Ethan continued working her, slowly teasing her entrance and then sliding a single finger inside her. She gasped, tightening around his finger as he growled against her neck.

  And then he was kissing Lincoln above her again, both guys still paying attention to her even as they touched each other. And then they were both touching her, and she came on Ethan’s fingers. She couldn’t even gasp for breath because Lincoln’s mouth was on hers. Then, they were suddenly taking her to the bed, both of them shedding their clothes so quickly, she was afraid they were going to trip in their haste.

  “Dear God,” she whispered. “I swore I knew how good you guys both looked.”

  Ethan grinned. “We we were all a little too drunk to really get to know one another before,” Lincoln said, slowly sliding his hand down his belly to grip the base of his dick.

  Her eyes went straight to that movement, and then she turned to look at Ethan, swallowing hard.

  “Is that a Kraken tattoo on your stomach?” she asked, smiling.

  Ethan blushed all the way down his chest and arms, and it was seriously the cutest and hottest thing she had ever seen.

  “I got drunk and, somehow, the tattoo artist still did it, even though they probably shouldn’t have. I bled all over the place since my blood was so thin thanks to the booze in my system, but now I can say ‘release the Kraken’ when I look at my dick.”

  Naked and somewhat curled into a ball at the end of the bed, she put her hand over her mouth and started laughing.

  “That makes me so happy,” Holland said, wiping a tear from her eye.

  “My dick makes you happy?” Ethan asked, grinning.

  “Well, that, too. But the story more so. And you weren’t there to help him?” She looked over at Lincoln and licked her lips. Her skin felt flushed yet still pebbled as if her body didn’t know what was happening but wanted to be involved no matter what.

  “No, I was out of the country.”

  “You probably would have ended up with a matching tattoo because once we get drunk, things happen.” Ethan grinned.

  She blushed, looking between them. “Things do.”

  Then the men looked at her and took a step forward at the same time. She let out a little squeal, and then Lincoln was on her in the next second, covering her body and kissing down her neck, her chest, and all the way to between her thighs. She gripped the bedsheets, her knuckles turning white as she arched into him when he went down on her.

  There was movement on the bed, and then Ethan was kneeling by her face, his dick in his hand.

  She licked her lips and opened wide. Without another word, he slowly slid the tip of his cock into her mouth. She lapped, sucking hard, loving the way he groaned, the same way Lincoln did.

  Everything was almost too much. So much sensation, so much touching. And she loved it. Wanted more.

  Ethan slowly worked his dick in and out of her mouth, and she freed one hand so she could grab his thigh, keeping them both steady. Lincoln kept eating her out, licking and sucking and spreading her legs wide so he could dive deeper, using his hands and his tongue in a way that she never thought possible. And when she came again, she called out, shaking. Ethan pulled back, grunting.

  “Don’t want to go too early,” he said and lay on his stomach so he could kiss her hard, playing with her nipples as he did.

  She moaned, wanting more, but then the guys were adjusting her on the bed so her head was on the pillows, and Lincoln positioned himself above her, a condom over his dick, and he was between her thighs again.

  “Ready, love?” he asked. Her heart clutched at the word, but she pushed that away. This was only for a little time. Just fun before everything ended, and the guys realized what they were to each other and how they only needed each other. Not her. But she could at least be part of this magic moment. Be a part of them just for a little bit.

  And everything would be okay. Because everything was fine.

  She nodded, holding out her hands so she could bring Lincoln closer. And then he was inside her—one deep thrust that stretched her to the max. Both of them groaned.

  It had been far too long since she’d had anyone inside her, and Lincoln was bigger than the average man. But then again, so was Ethan.

  Lincoln groaned, sliding in and out of her, once, then twice, going slowly at first as he pushed her to the top of the hill. But she never crested it. It was as if they were making love, but she knew that wasn’t the case. It couldn’t be.

  And then Lincoln groaned, going still inside her. She knew Ethan was working him. She angled to the side so she could watch, and Ethan gave her a wink, his eyes dark as he slowly slid inside Lincoln.

  He groaned, and Lincoln arched for him, which pushed him deeper inside her. She spread her legs wide and wrapped one around Ethan, and one around Lincoln. Her foot could barely touch Ethan since she wasn’t that tall, but she wanted to touch them both, somehow. Needed to be with them both. And then Ethan was hovering over Lincoln’s back, and all three of them were connected as one. She couldn’t breathe.

  Every time Ethan moved, Lincoln would move the same. It felt as if she were with both of them, and she wanted that.

  She arched, kissing Lincoln and then running her hands over Ethan so she could be with him, too.

/>   And when she came again, Lincoln followed, groaning.

  She clung onto him tightly, feeling him pulsate inside her. And then there was the sound of another condom being opened, and then Ethan was inside her in an instant.

  She didn’t even know how it had happened. It was as if they had orchestrated it. There were just tongues, touches, skin, and need. Lincoln’s mouth was on hers and then it was on Ethan’s. And Ethan was still inside her. He came, but she was too spent to do anything other than scream his name, even though it came out as a whisper. Somehow, they all crested the rise, panting, sweaty, and just needing to touch each other. She was still groaning as the two men moved her to her side, Ethan remained inside her as he shifted her. And then Lincoln was behind her, his now fully erect cock sliding between her cheeks, but only to rest. Despite his renewed arousal, she knew they were all spent, and she still wasn’t sure she wanted that, but she realized that if she could, she would do this all again. And again. And again. And again.

  As the night went on, they just kept touching, continued kissing. And then they moved her so they could look at each other, and then at her, and when they did it again and again, she didn’t even know who was whom, except for the fact that she knew their individual touches, knew their tastes. She didn’t have to ask for what she wanted because they just knew. They made sure she got everything she needed.

  She couldn’t focus, couldn’t breathe. But that was fine. Because she had Lincoln and Ethan, if only for the moment.

  In the morning, when she woke up, if they were still there, she would know it wasn’t a dream. But she knew it also wasn’t reality. Not really. And that was fine.

  Because she had never felt like this before in her life, and she knew she never would again. But she reminded herself that she had this moment. And that’s all that mattered. At least, right now.

  The next day she was sore, and still thinking about the night before. In fact, every time she did, she blushed from head to toe, and she knew that her coworkers probably thought she was insane.

  But that was fine with her. They didn’t ask, and she was never going to tell. Because she had this moment, and that was all that mattered.

  She would remember what had happened between the three of them until the end of her days, even if it never happened again.

  She had seen the way they looked at each other. Perhaps at one point, she thought maybe they’d looked at her too, but she didn’t think so. It must have been just passing glances between them where she was caught in the crossfire. But what a way to burn.

  Somehow, she had gone to work and had tried to be fully functional on about an hour of sleep, though she wasn’t sure she’d even gotten that hour. The guys had left early in the morning because they had jobs, too. And that was fine by her because it let them avoid conversation. Sure, she knew about their lives and had gotten to know them as people. But they hadn’t actually talked about what they were doing with each other. And, honestly, that was fine. Because she didn’t have the answer. Wasn’t sure she wanted to know right then what their answer would be.

  They had left, and she had gone to work. She went through the motions and even made some really good sales for the day. In fact, the whole week had been great, and that meant that she would be able to put more into savings than usual for the month. Of course, she knocked on wood as soon as she said that because something was bound to break or flood or do…something. That’s what happened with small businesses.

  Thankfully, she wasn’t closing today, and that meant maybe she could get a nap in after she finished some paperwork. Or, she could do nothing and just try and enjoy her afternoon off at home. Not that she was really good at that. But the guys had been helping, at least recently. She at least knew what it meant to take a day off and have a little fun with it.

  Of course, as soon as she thought that, she remembered exactly what they had done to have fun, and then she blushed again.

  Part of her wanted to call them or text, just to see what they were up to, to find out if they were thinking about her. But she firmly put that out of her mind because there was no way she was going to do that. She’d put herself out there enough already. If they wanted more, she’d be there. But she wasn’t going to be the one who made the next move. She didn’t want to get hurt, not again. And if that made her a coward, then so be it. Honestly, she was used to it.

  Now that she was at home, she wanted to try and relax.

  Only, she couldn’t. Not really.

  She kept thinking about her bedroom and how that’s where she had seen the guys the last time, and then she thought about the fact that, at one point, after the first time, she had held the base of Lincoln’s cock as he slowly slid into Ethan, and she had to moan at just the memory.

  Dear God, she was going to hell—and she was going to love every moment of it.

  Before she could let herself go too far down into the depths of the pit, the doorbell rang. She frowned.

  Then her phone buzzed. She looked down at it. It was a text from Ethan.

  Ethan: I’m so sorry. She somehow got it out of me.

  Holland had no idea what that meant, but then the doorbell rang again. She went to the front door to look through the peephole, only to see three women standing out there, things in their hands, and smiles on their faces.


  Holland opened the door, careful to keep the chain on as she smiled.

  “Hi, how can I help you?”

  “Did Ethan text?” one woman asked, the smile on her face wider now.

  Holland frowned, a little worried about why three women would be at her house asking about Ethan.

  Holland looked down at the text on her phone and nodded. “He apologized. But I hadn’t gotten to the part about why before I answered the door.”

  “Well, yes, sorry. I’m kind of evil that way.”

  “And who are you?” Holland asked, a little worried now. Should she be calling 911?

  The woman behind the one speaking mouthed the words I’m sorry, and Holland was actually really ready to call the police at that point.

  “I’m Ethan’s sister, Bristol.”

  Holland relaxed a little. Only somewhat, though.

  “And this is my future sister-in-law, Arden. She’s with Liam. And this over here is Lincoln’s cousin, Madison.”

  Holland just blinked, remembering the dark circles under her eyes because she hadn’t slept, and the fact that she had a coffee stain on her shirt. She swallowed hard.

  This was the guys’ family. At least, some of them. Here. At her house.

  With no warning.

  Oh, Ethan was so going to be in trouble later.

  The woman named Arden once again said that she was sorry, and Madison blushed, wincing a bit. Bristol looked as if she had done nothing wrong. And maybe she hadn’t. But this was all still really weird.

  “We’re here just to say hi. Ethan mentioned that you didn’t have a lot of friends right now because your ex is an asshole, and so is your sister.”

  “Dear God, Bristol,” Arden growled, closing her eyes. “You did almost this exact thing to me. I still don’t know how we ended up friends.”

  “I’m not sure how I was dragged into this at all.” Madison groaned.

  “What exactly is this?” Holland asked.

  “This is us saying hi. We wanted to get to know you.” Bristol smiled as she said it, yet Holland was still almost ready to call the cops.

  “You don’t have to let us in,” Bristol added quickly, and Holland was grateful. Regardless, she still had her phone at the ready.


  Holland didn’t move.

  But Bristol continued.

  “We were talking to the guys about you, mostly because we’re Montgomerys, or at least I am. Arden will be, and since Lincoln is an honorary Montgomery, that means Madison is one of us, too. And, anyway, the Montgomerys are the kind of people who want to make sure everyone knows that they’re always invited to things and needed and lo
ved and part of the family, even if only in friendship.”

  “I didn’t sign up for this,” Madison said, her eyes filled with laughter—and a little horror. Holland liked her.

  “You never sign up for these things, it just happens. And it’s usually because of Bristol,” Arden mumbled under her breath, and Holland held back a smile.

  “I’m not that bad,” Bristol mumbled.

  “Yes, you are. But we love you anyway.” Arden moved forward, a bag full of tequila and triple sec in one hand, and a bag of limes in her other. “Anyway, the guys mentioned you. When they said that you were dating, everybody got really excited.”

  Holland swallowed.

  Dating? Oh, God.

  “You know that the three of us, uh…” She couldn’t even finish the sentence, and her face turned so hot, she knew she was blushing.

  “Yes, we’re excited. The guys are great, and if they chose you to be a part of what they have, that means you must be great, too,” Madison said, and Holland just smiled at the other woman.

  “Anyway, we’re here because we wanted to get to know you before my mother finds you.”

  Holland froze.

  “Your mother?”

  “She loves her kids and wants to make sure that whoever’s in their lives knows that they are loved. And she wants to know when babies are coming.”

  “Dear God,” Holland said at the same time as Arden.

  “But, don’t worry. No pressure. She just jokes about things like that.”

  “Don’t jest about things like that,” Madison said.

  “I know, I know. She only does that in front of family who realize that it’s not real, and when she knows it won’t actually hurt anyone. But this is a very long way of saying…hi, we are in Ethan’s and Lincoln’s lives, and we know that you’ve been through a rough spot, and we’d like to just get to know you. If you’d like us to leave, we will. But we want to welcome you to the madness that is the Montgomery family. At least being with a Montgomery, or being near one.”

  “One second,” Holland said quickly, then looked down at her phone.


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