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Love Restored Page 3

  “Hey, I’m Blake. I hear you want a butterfly tattoo?”

  The girl turned, her eyes wide, but it didn’t look like fear so that had to count for something. Blake couldn’t count the number of times people came in for a new piercing or ink and freaked out before they’d even gotten into the chair. And frankly, she was glad for that, considering ink was permanent, and piercings were one step below that. Body modification wasn’t something to be taken lightly.

  “That’s right,” the girl said and gave her a little wave. Blake’s smile deepened as the girl blushed. “Uh, sorry. I uh, didn’t know if this was a handshake situation so I waved like a dork.” The girl closed her eyes and let out a breath before opening her lids once more. “Hi, I’m Kennedy, and I’d like a butterfly outline on my hip.”

  “Hi, Kennedy. Can I ask how old you are?” She didn’t look older than eighteen, and while Blake trusted Maya to check Kennedy’s age, she wanted to be sure.

  “I’m twenty-three,” Kennedy answered, her blush matching the red of her hair. “I know I don’t look it, and the whole nervous blushing thing doesn’t really help, but yeah, I’m older than I look.”

  Blake let out a low whistle. “I’ll say.”

  “I already checked her age,” Maya said from her station as she pored over a notebook, pencil in hand. “Those genes are going to do you well when you’re our age,” she said to Kennedy, and Blake scowled.

  “Way to make me feel ancient,” Blake muttered.

  “All in a day’s work,” Maya said with a smile. “But if you’ll notice, I did say our age.”

  Kennedy’s gaze shot between Blake and Maya, her eyes widening even more. “Uh…did I miss something?”

  Blake shook her head. “Nah, my boss just likes to rib.”

  “As I’m the one that signs your paychecks, I feel it’s my duty,” Maya said, her attention on her notebook and not them. “But I’d get to it, Blake. You have a piercing appointment soon.”

  Blake let out a sigh and nodded toward her station. “Let’s get to it, then. My chair is in the back.”

  Kennedy followed her silently and sat down on the convertible chair in Blake’s station, her hands folded on her lap.

  “So,” Blake began as she sat on her stool, her sketchpad in hand. “You want an outline of a butterfly on your hip. Is there significance, or is it because it’s pretty?”

  Kennedy smiled softly and pulled a piece of paper out of her bag. “I had cancer when I was a kid and was a little late with the whole growing thing because of it. So rather than get a caterpillar like the old me, I want something to show that I’ve grown. Changed. And I want it on my hip because it’s for me.” She blushed again. “And, well, for whoever I’m intimate enough with for them to see that part of me.”

  Blake blinked back tears. Hell, this was the part of the job she both loved and hated. Sometimes, it was okay for ink to look pretty because that’s how you felt at the time and you didn’t need the weighty significance that so many other pieces had. However, the fact that this would be both to Kennedy meant something.

  “And I want it that small because it needs to fit under a bathing suit, you know?” Kennedy continued.

  “Just the outline will work for the size, then. That way, it’s not too detailed to the point you can’t really tell what it is.” That was the problem with a lot of small tattoos. People didn’t want to go crazy with the size, but they wanted the kind of detail you could only get in a larger piece. There were ways to get around that, of course, but Blake preferred working with what made the ink better in any case.

  “That was my thought, too,” Kennedy said with a bright smile. “And, well, I want it to be an outline because I’m not finished yet either. It gives it space to be anything it wants.” She paused. “Just like I want to be.”

  Blake swiped a tear as Kennedy did the same and cursed herself for letting that emotion show. This was her job, and she needed to remember to hold it in, or she’d do something monumentally stupid and rely on someone again. She’d rather not risk that, thank you very much.

  “I think that sounds like a perfect tattoo for you. Well thought out and something that will be just for you. At least, until you’re ready to show it off.” Blake winked, causing both of them to laugh softly. “Have you ever had a tattoo before?”

  Kennedy shook her head. “No, this will be my first one.”

  “A virgin, then,” Blake said as she took the paper from Kennedy’s grip.

  The other woman snorted. “Sure. We can go with that.”

  Ah, not so innocent. Blake liked Kennedy already. She opened the folded paper to see a computer printed version of a butterfly outline and nodded.

  “I can work with this and add a little to the outsides so it’s unique to you,” Blake said as she studied the way the curves of the wings made it look like it was fluttering. Compared to some of the things customers brought in, this wasn’t bad at all.

  “That sounds great,” Kennedy said. “I trust you.”

  Blake looked up with a grin. “You haven’t seen my work yet, and you trust me?”

  Kennedy shrugged. “Almost dying sort of makes you see people differently. I’m usually a decent judge of character.”

  Blake sobered and nodded. “Well, I’m glad you see something you can trust. Let me get to work. You can keep talking if you want. What do you do for a living?”

  Kennedy began talking about how she was working in social work at the moment in the pediatric unit of the University of Colorado Hospital in Aurora. When she spoke of helping kids like she’d been helped in the past, her voice warmed, and Blake knew that this woman would one day do amazing things—if she hadn’t already begun.

  The sketch only took a few minutes, and when Kennedy beamed, Blake figured she had it right on the first try. She quickly went about making the stencil after she’d confirmed the placement on Kennedy’s hip.

  Once Kennedy was situated on the chair-turned-table, Blake placed the stencil and made sure everything was ready to go on her end. Since Kennedy wanted it done in black and there wouldn’t be any shading, this would only take a few minutes. A perfect tattoo with a pretty fantastic client to get the day going.

  Though the position of the tattoo was right on the bone, Kennedy didn’t make a sound as Blake worked. Since she could see the scars dotting Kennedy’s side and the other parts of her hip, she figured the girl wasn’t new to needles.

  Blake let out a breath, letting the buzz of the needle settle over her as she focused. This one had to be perfect…though all of them did, didn’t they?

  Before long, she’d finished the last flourish at the edge of the wing to show flight and pulled away, cleaning as she went.

  “All done,” she said as she slid a protective coating over the new ink.

  Kennedy looked down and blinked. “Really? Already? That hardly hurt.”

  Blake smiled. “I’ll take that as a compliment. Let me help you out of the chair so you can see it before I wrap it up.” She went through the aftercare instructions, making sure to repeat anything that seemed confusing.

  “I love it,” Kennedy beamed. “Seriously. It’s perfect.”

  Blake relaxed, the tension leaking out of her shoulders. “Good. I’m happy you like it. I think the idea you came up with is perfect.” Kennedy met Blake’s eyes, and the other woman teared up. This time, Blake didn’t join her. “I hope you fly, Kennedy, though I think you’re already on your way.”

  By the time she’d finished with Kennedy and cleaned her station, she only had a few minutes before her piercing client was due. Though she took walk-ins for ink and piercings, for something as delicate as her next appointment, she preferred to be prepared.

  “Dude! I didn’t know you were coming in!” Maya’s voice brought Blake out of her thoughts, and she turned, only to freeze.

  In all the tattoo shops, in all the world…

  Murphy Gallagher reached down to put his hand over Maya’s belly and smiled that sweet smile of his whi
le the goliath behind him scowled at Blake.

  Why the hell was Graham scowling at her now? What had she possibly done to earn his wrath? And would that big beard of his feel sexy as hell scraping along her inner thighs?

  And that was enough of that.

  “How is my little niece doing?” Murphy said as he cupped Maya’s belly. “Is she going to be like her mom? Because I really hope so. Jake deserves it.”


  As in Jake Gallagher. One of Maya’s men since she was amazing and living in a true triad with Jake and Border.

  But Gallagher. Damn it. Why hadn’t she put two and two together? Of course, it wasn’t like this was a small town. It was freaking Denver, Colorado. There had to be hundreds of Gallaghers in the state, and yet, the ones working on her estate just happened to be married into the Montgomery family.

  And she was about to handle a Gallagher dick.

  Well, fuck.

  She’d only known the guy’s first name on the phone, and Murphy, while a slightly uncommon name, wasn’t that uncommon. And yet it seemed the fates were out to get her, and she was about to give a Prince Albert to one of the Gallagher brothers.

  Because this was her life, and contrary to popular belief, slamming her head into a wall wasn’t the right answer to everything.

  So it didn’t matter in the slightest that the Gallaghers had the bid on the estate. While she might have wanted the Montgomerys at first, her reasoning for allowing the Gallaghers to do it so she could keep things to herself hadn’t worked out either. Her secrets would be out in the open, and people would be wondering about her.


  Whatever. She just needed to get the piercing done and not worry about it.


  “How do you know it’s a girl?” Maya said. “It could be a boy for all you know, and be all quiet like Border.”

  At that, Graham shook his head, a smile creeping onto his face. Damn if she didn’t like that smile. “Honey, it’s you. Like that kid is going to be quiet like Border. He or she is going to be a bundle of energy like you and Jake no matter what. That much I can tell you.” He lowered his head and kissed her temple. “Good to see you, Montgomery.”

  Maya beamed at the two men and shuffled between them. “So, really, tell me why you’re here. You need new ink?”

  “I have an appointment,” Murphy said with a wink. He lifted his head and snorted. “With Blake here, it seems. Nice to see you again, Ms. Brennen.”

  Maya looked between them, a furrow between her brows. “What? How do you two know each other? And what do you mean, an appointment? What are you getting pierced, Murphy Gallagher?”

  “We know each other from around,” Murphy said casually, giving Blake a wink. If only she found him as attractive as his brooding brother, things might have been easier than they were about to be. “And I think you can guess what I’m getting pierced.”

  Maya covered her face with her hands. “Oh, God. If Jake finds out I let his precious baby brother get his dick pierced, he’s going to kill me.” She paused. “Or spank me. So maybe I should let you get it done.”

  Graham groaned while Murphy threw his head back and laughed. Blake just let out a sigh and moved toward them, her chin raised. Might as well get this over with.

  “I don’t need to know things like that, Maya,” Graham growled. He looked at Blake, his eyes narrowed once more. “You sure look different today.” His gaze traveled her body, and she swore she could feel the heat of it.

  She turned her attention away from him rather than answer, more for preservation than to be rude. The latter was just a nice side effect, and appropriate for the man who had treated her like some trust fund spoiled brat the day before. No amount of sexy ink, muscles, or beard could fix that.

  “So, Murphy, you ready to head back?” She kept her voice pleasant, but she could feel every eye in the place on her. Just what she wanted—to be the center of attention.

  Murphy squeezed Maya’s shoulders. “Yep, just lead the way. Graham here is going to drive me back, but I don’t actually need him in the room with me unless he wants to be.” He winked at her, and she snorted.

  “Sounds like a plan.” She turned on her heel, moving quickly back to the newly renovated piercing room that was perfect for privacy and efficiency, all the while, ignoring the fact that Graham was staring at her ass as she walked.

  Murphy sat on the table as she prepped everything, doing her best to go through the instructions while trying not to think about the fact that Graham and Maya were no doubt talking about her. Not much she could do about it now, but it would make it that much harder to keep her life private.

  “So, I didn’t recognize your voice when you showed up yesterday at the jobsite,” Murphy said casually as she finished setting up.

  Blake shrugged. “Wouldn’t have thought you would, as I didn’t recognize yours either. Though it does seem that Denver is much smaller than I thought.”

  Someone cleared his or her throat behind her, and she turned to see Graham standing alone at the door. “Yes?”

  “Is this what you do?” he said after a moment.

  “Yeah, you got a problem with that?” she snapped.

  “Graham,” Murphy whispered. “Reel it in, bro.”

  She inhaled, trying to calm her temper. She was about to stick a lubricated tube, a needle, and a large hoop through a client’s penis, and probably shouldn’t be thinking about punching the man’s brother.

  “No, I don’t have a problem with that,” Graham answered. “Considering I’m pierced and inked myself, that would make me an asshole.” He snorted at her glare. “Fine, I’m an asshole, but not because of that. You just surprised me by being here.”

  “Well, it surprised me you were both here, as well.” Of course, now, she was shocked she could even speak since all she could think about was where exactly Graham was pierced and how it would feel. “Are you going to stay here and watch?”

  Graham shrugged. “Yeah, I guess.”

  Murphy laughed. “Well, it sounds like a party then.”

  “Close the door behind you,” she told Graham and turned back to Murphy. “Okay, drop your pants and let’s get this done. You said you were circumcised right? Because while that’s not exactly necessary for this kind of piercing, it makes things easier for both of us in the long run.”

  Murphy stood up and dropped his pants and boxers on the floor. “Yep, the whole family is circumcised.”

  Graham groaned. “Thanks for that.”

  Blake looked down at Murphy’s dick then back up at him, a bland expression purposely on her face. “I don’t need the family history, but thanks for the information. Now, let’s get started. This might sting a little.”

  By the time Murphy gingerly walked out of Montgomery Ink, a silent Graham following behind, Blake was ready to go home. She was only working a half-day today, and thankfully, when she left, there were only two of the floater artists in the shop. She quickly gathered her things and made her way to her car before Maya or another Montgomery showed back up to grill her about her association with the Gallaghers. Not that she thought she was the center of attention or anything, but it was damn hard not to be curious about those kinds of things.

  She drove home, tension in her shoulders that refused to go away since Graham had first walked in, giving her a headache. As soon as she pulled into her spot, she shut off the engine, grabbed her things, and hurried up the metal stairs to her apartment. Hopefully, soon, she’d be able to afford better, but this place was at least safe.

  When she opened the door, the scent of cooking meat and peppers filled her nose and her body relaxed.


  Blake dropped her crap on the floor and opened her arms as her daughter Rowan ran toward her, slamming into her front hard and taking her in a tight hug.

  “Hey, baby girl. How was your day at school? Half-day fun?” She kissed the top of Rowan’s head, running her hand over her baby’s natural curls, and walked toward t
he kitchen hand-in-hand with her daughter as Rowan went through her day, step by step.

  Rowan never let a word go unsaid if she could help it.

  “Thank you, Mrs. Gonzales,” Blake said as she kissed the older woman’s papery cheek. “Half-days are killer for work.”

  The older woman waved her hand at Blake and hugged Rowan before gathering her purse. “It’s no bother at all. Since my children are all grown and taking their time making babies, this fills my need. You call me anytime, Blake. You know that. I put makings for carne asada in the crockpot for you. It’s not my best recipe, but it works in a pinch for leftovers, which I know you like. I’m off to watch my shows since my DVR is talking to me! Bye, darlings!”

  And with that, the nicest older woman Blake had ever met walked out of the small apartment, closing the door behind her.

  “Mom? Can we eat now? I know it’s not dinner time, but I’m starving.” Rowan exaggerated the last word and placed the back of her hand on her forehead.

  Blake laughed and shook her head. “How about we eat some cheese and fruit instead while we wait for dinner time. Because if we eat now, we’re going to be hungry again before bed.”

  Rowan gave a big sigh but smiled. “Okay.” With that, she went right back to the story of her day as if they hadn’t paused at all.

  Blake watched her daughter move around the kitchen and pressed her lips together, emotions overwhelming her. There were reasons she stayed behind her barriers, reasons she was the way she was.

  And she’d be damned if she risked it all for a scowling man behind a beard.

  She’d learned the hard way once before.

  Never again, she promised herself. Never again.


  Graham knew things would go to hell soon, it was only a matter of time. Of course, the why of it would forever elude him, he was sure. He’d been a bastard not once, but twice in as many days, and he wasn’t sure why. It wasn’t as if this Blake Brennen had ever done anything to him, and yet he couldn’t help acting like a grunting asshole whenever she came around.