An Immortal's Song Page 7
He answered quickly and whispered on his way out of the bedroom, thankful the others were still sleeping soundly. “Malik?”
“Hey,” the other man said, his voice oddly deep. Tristan would have asked the lion shifter what was wrong, but Malik was notoriously private. “Why are you whispering?”
“I had to walk by a sleeping Seth and Amara. Why are you calling so early?”
The other man let out a long sigh. “It’s good that you’re with them. I’m happy for you.”
For some reason, Tristan knew there was more to those words, but he let it go for now.
“Anyway, the reason I’m calling is that I’ve heard rumblings about your siren.”
Tristan froze. He’d called Malik the day before as soon as he’d seen Amara’s ink because Malik had a decent knowledge base about lineages in realms. The lion hadn’t recognized it then, but that didn’t mean he hadn’t heard something. Tristan had also gone to the Court to discreetly ask around about the same thing, and yet there were already rumblings.
This couldn’t be good.
“What have you heard?”
“It’s not much, but there’s a split in the siren realm right now. The current royal line isn’t in favor and hasn’t been for a long time. Apparently, they also felt the presence of a new siren in their midst.”
“Pretty much. Just be careful. I’ll find out what I can about her lineage, but you know who you need to talk to.”
Tristan sighed. “I know, and we’ll be seeing her today.”
“Good. And stay safe, Tristan.”
“Thank you, Malik.” He ended the call and let out a curse. Of course, when he found his mate things would go to shit. He just figured they’d have a little longer to deal with it. Apparently not.
He turned at the sound of Amara coming toward him, her body covered in Seth’s shirt from the previous day. While he wanted to see her in his shirt one day, the sight of her in Seth’s just made him rock-hard.
“Did I wake you?” he asked, even as he opened his arms. She came to him quickly, wrapping her arms around his waist. It surprised him how quickly this had become normal, the feel of her in his arms and by his side. He’d do anything to keep it that way.
“No, it was time for me to wake up anyway. Seth is up, too.” She stood on her tiptoes and traced her fingers along his jaw. “What’s worrying you?”
He lowered his head and kissed her softly, the minty taste of toothpaste telling him she’d borrowed one of the spare toothbrushes he’d left on the sink. He hadn’t given her any time to pack before bringing her to his realm, and now, he’d be bringing her to another realm without her things.
“Once Seth gets out here, we can talk.”
“I’m here,” Seth said as he made his way toward them, dressed only in the jeans he’d had on the day before. “What’s going on?”
Tristan sighed and took both of their hands. They stood in the hallway of his home, and yet he didn’t want to move them to a more comfortable space as he needed to get through things quickly so they could leave at once.
“I went to the fae Court to ask a few people some questions. The ink on your skin was nagging me.” Amara’s eyes narrowed and he quickly shook his head. “Not because it’s not beautiful. I meant because I felt like I’d seen it before. And I might have, but it was so long ago, I can’t remember correctly. So I went to those in the Court who study such things, and while I was being vague, was told I needed to talk to someone who studies lineage.”
Seth’s eyes filled with understanding. “You mean Calypso?”
“Seth’s sister?” Amara asked.
“Seth’s sister,” Tristan answered with a nod. “She studies lineage in depth, right?”
Seth nodded quickly. “Yeah, it’s her role as a Conclave member, and now it’s sort of an obsession. You’re saying she’ll be able to tell us what line Amara is from? Why is that important?”
“I don’t know,” Tristan said. “I don’t know why it’s important. Yet. I just know it is. And it’s bugging me that I can’t remember. And while we’re discussing you, Amara, there’s something else.”
“What is it?” she asked as Seth tucked her to his side.
He told them about what Malik had said about the siren royal line and what problems may come of that, and Amara visibly sagged.
“Nothing is ever easy, is it?” she asked then shook her head. “Between what I’ve turned into and what it might mean and the fact that the bond didn’t come…it’s just too much.”
A pang twisted in Tristan’s heart at the last part, and he let out a breath. “We’ll figure it out.”
“We keep saying that,” she said softly.
“And it’s been a day,” Seth added. “I take it we’re heading to my realm soon, then? Since people are already talking about Amara becoming a siren, I have a feeling we should figure out what’s triggering your memory ASAP.”
Tristan nodded. “Something tells me we need to move quickly.” He brought both of them into his arms, the feeling as if it had been forever and yet not long enough all at once. “I have clothes for Amara,” he said once they pulled away. “My staff picked up a few items in your size since we never brought your own things.”
“We didn’t really plan out what we were going to do,” Amara said dryly. “I sort of just took a big leap.”
“And I, for one, am glad you leapt,” he said softly then took her lips. He did the same to Seth before pulling away and pushing them to get what they needed so they could leave quickly.
As it was Seth’s realm they were going to, the other man would be the one to open the portal. Tristan could do it easily, but since he wasn’t sure exactly where Calypso lived, it would be better for Seth to work it out.
“Now we’re going to go through the portal and end up on the outside of the inner wards,” Seth explained. “I can get us into the outer wards easily, but Amara, since you’ve never been there before, I’ll have to swim you to where you can easily walk around.”
Her eyes widened and Tristan grinned. “Do I need to hold my breath? I feel like your realm is much different than the others.”
“It is, but I’ll help you. Before we go, I’ll give each of you the Kiss of Life. That will allow you to breathe under water for the short time it takes for me to swim you to where there are air pockets that you can walk around in. We have giant domes on our ocean floor, as well as scattered throughout the sea where many of our buildings are. I can live just as easily with my fin as I can with my feet, but we do have non-merpeople who live with us, either mated in or otherwise. That and other various reasons led to the building of the domes.”
Amara leaned into Tristan, her eyes wide. “Okay…so you’re going to kiss me, then push me through a portal where we’ll end up in the ocean. Then you’ll have your fin and swim Tristan and me to where we can breathe normally without magic and walk around?”
Seth smiled before kissing her forehead. “Yep. I know it sounds crazy, but it’s how we work. Faith and Levi have both been through it.” He winced. “Though we didn’t know they were in the water until almost too late. You, however, will be able to breathe easily in normal air and in water as soon as I kiss you.”
“And what if it runs out.”
Seth’s mouth set. “It won’t. I’ll be with you at all times. And as my mates—bond or no—the others won’t touch you. I’m a warrior and protect what is mine.”
Tristan couldn’t help but fill with pride at the way Seth spoke of them. Each of the three came from such different worlds, and yet together, they had the experiences to make their lives whole. He’d never thought too deeply as to whom he would mate—he’d always been scared he’d be disappointed. Never once would he have thought that he’d be with a merman and a siren. Such perfection in their dichotomy, yet two halves of his whole.
And once he found a way to create the bond in truth, he’d have his fate.
Seth asked, not a lick of worry in his tone. He would protect them, of that Tristan was sure.
“I trust you,” Amara answered, and Tristan knew those words were tough for her. He might not know everything about her past—and one day he would—but that much he knew.
Tristan nodded and licked his lips before Seth kissed him. This was no ordinary kiss. While their tongues collided and he wanted to rub up against the other man, the magic between them flared. Warmth spread over him, and he knew that whatever Seth was doing was working.
Seth moved back, patted Tristan’s cheek, then moved to kiss Amara. She didn’t look as sure as she had a moment ago but fell into Tristan’s arms anyway. Once again, magic pulsated within the room as Amara was given the Kiss of Life.
When Seth pulled back again, he grinned and took their hands. “Ready?”
“As I’ll ever be,” Amara said. She might sound nervous, but she was brave as hell for doing all she’d done.
In a blink, Tristan found himself in the middle of the ocean, fighting for breath. Only he didn’t have to fight. He could breathe easily, and he’d only freaked out because it was so new. He turned to Amara, who was in Seth’s arms. Her eyes were wide and her mouth worked, but with Seth’s help, she looked as if she was doing okay. Apparently, the Kiss of Life also made it easier for him to see in the depths of the ocean in this realm. Good thing, since he desperately wanted to see Seth’s other form.
The man was a god.
At least, he looked like one.
He’d always been ripped, but with the water surrounding him, he looked even more so. His long, blue-green tail swished as he kept the three of them steady. It shined within the depths of the water and looked strong as hell. It was longer than his legs so he had to be at least seven feet now. His skin had taken on a gold hue, and when he moved, Tristan was sure he saw blue-green glitter or scales.
How extraordinary.
They couldn’t speak underwater, but Seth met their gazes, took their hands, and nodded. Before Tristan could think about what they were doing, Seth began to swim.
And holy hell could the man move.
He pulled Tristan and Amara toward a bright light, and Tristan could only marvel at Seth’s powers. He knew Seth was young and still growing in magic, and one day, the man would rival any leader. Tristan couldn’t wait for that.
Before he could truly enjoy the ride, though, they came upon an ancient underground castle. Seth pushed through a barrier and Tristan found himself wet and coughing on his ass while Amara leaned against Seth, catching her breath.
Tristan raised a brow at Seth, who shrugged.
“Sorry for the rough landing,” his lover said with a shy smile. “I’m not used to hauling two people through the border like that. I’ll get it down eventually.” He held out his hand and helped Tristan to his feet. The other man now stood on two legs, rather than a tail, and he even had his jeans on. How merfolk could do that, he didn’t know, but it was a handy gift.
“That was…” Amara said softly then shook her head. “That was awesome.” She smiled wide as she ran her hands over her wet clothes. “We’re going to have to do that again. And I’m going to need a towel.”
Seth kissed her temple while he squeezed Tristan’s hand. “We can get you a towel at my sister’s.”
“Will she be at home, then?” Tristan asked. Calling ahead between realms didn’t always work. In fact, it rarely worked at all. Most places were even on a different linear plane, meaning that time moved differently. They had to be careful how long they stayed in one place if they were planning to meet anyone. In reality, it was only a few moments off between realms for most places. However, the difference between the hell realm and the rest of them was the most significant. Hence, why it was called hell. Well, that and the demons, fire, and lava.
“I’m here, actually,” Calypso said as she made her way toward them. She looked like Seth, her long, chestnut hair hanging in waves down her back and over her shoulders. She was only a few inches shorter, as well; which meant she was pretty damn tall. “We don’t have time to waste,” she said quickly. “Let’s go to my place.” She looked over her shoulder at the people milling about in human form and the others in mer form in the water surrounding the castle. “Now.”
There was a reason Calypso was a Conclave member, and the immense power radiating from her was only part of it. She had to be at least a century or two older than Seth, as well; but looked the same age as immortals never looked too far past their prime.
Seth brushed a kiss to her forehead then pulled Amara close to him. “Let’s go, then. Introductions later.”
Amara nodded, and Tristan did as well as they followed Calypso to her home. He assumed she had more than one as he figured not everyone wanted to live in the hustle and bustle of the underwater city at all times, but this was the one they were meeting at. Since Seth had brought them here, this one must be the one she lived at most often.
Tristan was overthinking and worried about his mates. Since the bond hadn’t snapped into place and Amara and Seth weren’t his in truth as of yet, he couldn’t quite think clearly. His heart hurt, and he needed to push that away if he wanted to figure out the next step. As long as he was cool and logical, he would figure it out.
Amara leaned into him and he knew then that there would be no clear and logical when it came to his feelings for her…or Seth.
He shook his head, trying to clear his thoughts of what could happen and focus on what was more important at that moment. They made their way into Calypso’s place and he glanced around at the elegant home but couldn’t focus. There was something going on that he couldn’t quite figure out, and hopefully, Seth’s sister would be able to help.
“So, I take it the bond didn’t come?” Calypso asked bluntly. He’d always admired the way his fellow Conclave member spoke, but right then, he wanted her to use a little more finesse.
Tristan looked over at Amara, but his mate—yes, mate, despite the lack of bond—merely raised her chin.
“No, there is no bond,” Amara answered, her voice cool. “You’re Seth’s sister, then? You’ll be able to tell us why? Or at least point us in the right direction.”
Calypso sighed and shook her head. “I’m sorry. I’m so damn sorry. I had hoped what I’d been hearing and what I thought might be happening was wrong, but it seems I’m not. Yes, Amara, I’m Calypso, Seth’s sister. Again, I’m sorry for not introducing myself properly, but there isn’t much time.”
Tristan fisted his hands. “What are you saying?”
“Stop with the cryptic bullshit, Caly,” Seth said. “Amara and I aren’t Conclave members so you don’t have to hide your true meaning when you speak.”
Tristan narrowed his eyes but didn’t say anything. It was true he’d had to double-speak in the past to survive and keep his people alive, but a Conclave member wasn’t all he was.
“Take a seat,” Calypso said as she gestured toward the couches. “The sirens are on the brink of war, and many don’t even seem to understand it. The queen has been in power for far too long. And while we are all long-lived, practically immortal, usually there is some sort of way for the powers at large to change over when the realm is falling apart. However, this queen,” Caly shook her head, “this queen is using curses, fear, and death in order to stay in power. As sirens, you can sing to souls.”
Amara sucked in a breath. “What does that mean?”
“It means different things for different clans, but you are from the Windwalker clan.” Caly shook her head. “Don’t ask how I know, just know I know. It’s part of who I am. The Windwalker clan was banished centuries ago. Cursed by the queen. Your clan can sing to souls, and by doing that, they can go past merely joining with another soul for that time being, they can bring that soul to life…or to death.”
Tristan brought Amara to his lap at those words, knowing she would need to be held. Seth held her hand and slid over so his thigh pressed hard against Tristan’s.
a powerful gift,” Tristan whispered and kissed her temple. “But you can control it.” For some reason, he knew that was one reason she shook, her fear of lack of control, and as soon as he’d said the words, she calmed fractionally.
“Tell me what else,” Amara said softly, yet strong. “Tell me why the Windwalkers were banished.”
“You were too powerful,” Calypso said simply. “The queen was afraid she’d lose power so she cursed those who were to come and killed anyone she could. Your clan was not allowed to bond. No matter how close they came to one another as true mates, they could never feel the pull. The queen slowly but methodically killed off the rest of the clan, and no one else was strong enough to do anything about it. You see, she broke the existing bonds.” Caly’s voice broke, and Seth reached out to grip his sister’s hands. “I don’t know how she did it, but she did. I didn’t think it was possible.”
“Why haven’t we heard of this?” Tristan asked. “Why didn’t the Conclave do anything about it?”
Calypso cursed under her breath. “Oh, some knew. And those who knew are dead now. I didn’t find out until recently, and I’ve been trying to deal with what I could. It’s not my realm, though, Tristan, and as soon as I heard Amara was a siren, I did what I could.”
“You’re the messenger,” Amara said sharply. “We won’t hurt you or hate you for your words. Now, how do we lift the curse so I can be with my mates? I don’t want anything to do with the queen. I don’t have powers…or rather I don’t know how to use them so I’m not going to go for her throne. I just want to be with Tristan and Seth and go back to Dante’s Circle and live my life. I just want a home.”
There was something in her words that made Tristan pause, a deep pain he knew he would have to find out the cause of, but then he thought more of the threat.
“The queen knows,” Tristan said, his voice hollow. “The queen knows another of the line she fought to eradicate is here, and that’s why everyone is being so hush-hush. That’s why people don’t know what’s going on because they only have parts of the whole story.”